Doing your best, making a positive difference, and Mastodon’s vision

Raz TirboacaRaz Tirboaca
Doing your best, making a positive difference, and Mastodon’s vision

How do you stay very grounded, and at the same time reach for the stars?

Everything that’s real and it’s profound has to have both, because it’s a vibratory thing. It’s the force that makes things happen.

What you have to say is, “I’m gonna do the best I can now. I’ll go to the next thing and do the best I can there.” And it sounds trite and superficial, but it’s not.

— Stutz, watch it on Netflix


📋 Dashboard Design Patterns is an actionable collection of patterns and guidelines about reducing information load, improving visual perception, use of interaction, and visualization literacy for designing complex-data dashboards. Pretty much the best resource I’ve read on the topic.

👨‍💻 No architecture is better than bad architecture. If you want to move fast, you have to put off building the architecture, and if some of your code is sh*t, at least let it be soft.

🖖 TourGuide is a js library that helps you create user tours and on-boarding steps for your apps.


🎙️ In this ‘Essentials Of Leadership’ episode, Marshall Goldsmith - one of the world’s leading executive coaches - discusses how to gain confidence, motivate others, where leaders go wrong, why it’s easier to change behavior than perception, how to specifically change other people’s perceptions, the three words that kill any conversation, decision making, and the relationship between intensity and consistency. 90 minutes of pure gold!

Our mission in life is to make a positive difference, not to prove we’re smart and not to prove we’re right. We are not here on earth to prove how smart we are.

If you don’t change your beliefs about yourself it can be hard to change your behavior.

Never make your value as a human being conditioned on the results of what you’re trying to achieve.

One of the key points is live your own life. And by the way, when you live in the past, you’re living someone else’s life.


🎥 How the best companies pivot during a bad recession. HubSpot’s CMO and SVP of Marketing, Kipp Bodnar and Kieran Flanagan, share their marketing expertise.

💶 Some ideas for alternative ways to make money with coding and system skills.

👾 More than half of all announced next-gen games are made on Unreal Engine, says Epic. Unreal Engine is proving to be a popular choice for developers making games for the PS5 and Xbox Series X / S.

👀 Are we looking at a turning point for how tech gets built? On this Stack Overflow podcast, Ben, Matt, and Cassidy reflect on job losses in tech, repojacking on GitHub, the ethics of generative AI, and what it would take to make us switch browsers.

🧐 Mastodon, a decentralized microblogging site named after an extinct type of mammoth, “recorded 120,000 new users in the four days following the acquisition of Twitter”, its German founder Eugen Rochko tells TIME. He has a vision for democratizing social media.

Thanks for reading! See you again next week 🫶